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NOTICE | Notice of adjustment of U.C.S judging standard

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Writer PRIME! The date of Writing15-12-31 16:39 Hits9,967times Comment6cases



Hello everyone.

There are some claims and opinions about U.C.S contest from PIU users through 1st and 2nd U.C.S contest
Andamiro reflects the opinions to progess of U.C.S contest and judging standard

Thank you very much for the many opinions
Following is the changed points

1. Changes in progress of U.C.S contest

- In the previous U.C.S contest, apply and evaluation was performed at the same time
But from now, apply period and evaluation period will be devided so all the users can evaluate the steps in equal condition

- We are preparing the system to provide PP when you evaluate the steps. So please wait for some times.

(Previous) Apply and user evaluation period → Development team evaluation period → End

(New) Apply period - User evaluation period → Development team evaluation period → End

2. Changes in judging standard

- In the previous U.C.S contest, cheating vote from some users was the big problem
- The moto of U.C.S contest is to have all users involved in production, vote, and nomination.
Thus, we have decided to make following changes based on opinions we have collected.

(Previous) Download: 30%, Like: 30%, Step points: 30%, Development team: 10%

(New) Like 25%, Step points 25%, Development team 50%
* Download category is deleted

3. Changes in Step choice

- According to the contest concept, U.C.S winning step and extra choice step can be considered to
add U.C.S step or exchanged existing step from the game

(Previous) Contest winning step and development team choice step will be added as U.C.S step to the game

(New) Contest winning step and development team choice step will be added as U.C.S step or exchanged existing step to the game according to the contest concept

The above changes will be applied from 3rd contest "3rd U.C.S contest" with New rules!
Looking forward to your many participation
We will do our best for the better U.C.S contens services

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Comments index

Nek0x2님의 댓글

Nek0x2 작성일

Great! These rules seems to be more fair than before, no more f*cking popularity winners and horrible charts. Thanks AM.



This seems more fair. Giving users PP for evaluating steps is a nice incentive, and having application separate from evaluation was a good move.
However, as far as the site UI goes, people will evaluate the first charts they see (in this case, the latest charts submitted) while the charts that were submitted in the beginning will be on the bottom of the list. You should randomize or change the order of the submitted charts so that nothing gets overlooked, and also add a "checkmark" for already evaluated charts.



굉장히 좋게 바뀌었다고 생각합니다. 이정도라면 불만은 없을것같네요. 한 모드에 여러 작품을 내는건 불가능한가요?



Si la verdad es mas justo con estas reglas muchos votaron por U.C.S que no valia la pena y no se de donde sacan tantos likes que hasta a mi impresiono, esperemos que sea algo justo. aunque sea pocos likes pero la intención es la interfaz de las flechas a evaluar y la creatividad mas que nada.

COCOA01님의 댓글

COCOA01 작성일

여러부분이 개선되었군요

KylusheL님의 댓글

KylusheL 작성일

좋군요. 감사합니다.