NOTICE | Now the 5rd contest register period begins
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Writer PRIME! The date of Writing16-06-01 15:31 Hits7,687times Comment15cases본문
We apologize for delaying assessment because of our schedule.
Register period is 2016. 06. 01 - 2016. 06. 20 17:00 (GMT+09:00)
You can evaluate the various contest U.C.S by your hand
U.S.C. Steps can be checked as 'song/steps' from the contest list on "U.S.C. share" page.
Only evaluation is available for contest step. (Like + Download)
Please be sure that only registered evaluation will be reflected to the contest ranking
Thank you very much
We look forward to your fair and high evaluation
Comments index
ASPIA님의 댓글
ASPIA 작성일개발진이 20개의 스텝을 선정한 다음에 그 가운데서 평가를 내린다고 했는데 점수 반영도 안되어있고 스텝 선정도 안되어있는것 같군요.. 그냥 상관없이 평가하면 되는건가요?
PRIME!님의 댓글
PRIME! 작성일
안녕하세요 U.C.S. 관리자입니다.
개발진 점수가 공개되면 평가에 영향이 있을 수 있기에 콘테스트 종료시까지 점수는 비공개로 진행되오니, 편안하게 평가해주시면 됩니다.
FEFEFEMZ 작성일점수는 비공개로 하되 20개는 미리 추려내야한다고 생각합니다...
KylusheL님의 댓글
KylusheL 작성일공감하는 바입니다. 추려내지 않으면 개발진평가를 사전에 하는 의미가 없어져 버리는 것 같습니다만..
점수까지 공개해서 유저평가에 참고사항으로 하는 것도 방법일 수 있겠지만……
최소한 상위 20개 선발까지는 되어야 할 것 같습니다.
AlexRose님의 댓글
AlexRose 작성일what are the U.C.S. that will evaluate?
MarioPumper님의 댓글
MarioPumper 작성일
De nada le servira a un participante sacar la mayor calificacion por parte de los desarrolladores si Indonesia tiene en su dominio muchisimas cuentas (entre ellas falsas), ya que hay muchos UCS de este pais participando. La estrategia obvia de Indonesia es sacar del rango al UCS con mayor calificacion evaluando a tope a los participantes de su pais, dejando abajo y en desventaja a los UCS con mayor calificacion. Cambiar el valor de la evaluacion de usuario o en definitiva quitar este periodo es la unica opcion justa, o hacer los concursos exclusivamente para Indonesia. T.T
Nothing will serve you a participant get the highest score by developers if Indonesia has in its domain very many accounts ( including false ) , as there are many UCS of this country participating. The obvious strategy is to bring Indonesia to the UCS range more top rate evaluating participants of his country, letting down and disadvantage the UCS more score. Change the value of the user evaluation or ultimately remove this period is the only fair option , or make contests exclusively for Indonesia. T.T
HARUKAZE 작성일User voting system has more weight in practice than developers. And users are not choosing best steps, they vote for their friends/community. If you want good results and find good stepmakers - please remove user voting or make it optional (for prizes or something). The selection of steps to be added into the game shall only be done by the team.
Demo_Mode님의 댓글
Demo_Mode 작성일
" If you want good results and find good stepmakers - please remove user voting. The selection of steps to be added into the game shall only be done by the team. "
PBTO90님의 댓글
PBTO90 작성일Users are not being fair to the assessment, evaluation by developers should be the only one to consider..
Stelaris님의 댓글
Stelaris 작성일No more user evaluation
Nek0x2님의 댓글
Nek0x2 작성일This sucks. Some people already have a lot of points in likes and stars. Remove user evaluation!
yo tengo una duda, como sabremos cuales son los 20 U.C.S. que por parte del Equipo de Desarrollo Evaluo, y en mi opinion personal estoy a favor de que si se quieren ver buenos resultados como Stepmaker creo que deberian de Eliminar la seccion de Voto de Usuario y el equipo de desarrollo decida cual U.C.S. es mejor puesto que todos lo que hacemos es para mejorar la PRIME no para empeorarla a decir verdad en la Actividad de Stepmaker son pocos. Por otra parte Indonesia gano injustamente, no apoyo a ningun pais pero ultimamente se ve claramente que se hacen autovotos creando cuentas fantasmas.
I have a question, as we know what the 20 U.C.S. that by the Development Team evaluated, and in my personal opinion I am in favor of that if you want to see good results as Stepmaker I think they should remove the section User Voting and development team decide which U.C.S. is better because all we do is to improve PRIME not to worsen truth in Stepmaker activity are few. On the other hand I win unfairly Indonesia not support any country but lately it is clear that autovotos become ghosts creating accounts.
it's funny how most comment talk about Indonesia. RIP sportsmanship.
I'm Indonesian too, and I feel shame for everyone (not just Indonesian) who creates so many ID just to vote his own chart.
They taking the game too serious, meanwhile I'm already happy with the one and only level 20 ID bahaha.
I think I speak for everyone when I say we'd rather have Andamiro review the charts and come up with their own conclusions. The User Evaluation system isn't at fault, it's actually pretty intuitive how you can preview a chart and see how many people liked it, how many comments and download it has, etc. But most people who 'review' the charts for contests are people who *only* play the game. They're not stepmakers.
Things like rhythmic accuracy and patterning are very, very important in making a stepchart. Even the little details are important, these are the things that Andamiro look out for and most players ignore. They wouldn't know the difference between one chart and the other, as long as they're playable, it's fine for them.
Hell, some of them say stuff like "Looks playable, let's give it a 10". These are the people that get on a bandwagon made by a single stepmaker whose chart already passed 8 reviews and all of them have the same flag. This has been a problem since the UCS contests started, it still is, and Andamiro even used this as a mechanic once with the Popularity contest. Don't get me wrong, we got small gems like Red Swan DP20 with that, but most charts were... Okay at best. Subjective opinion but the point still stands - The User Evaluation method isn't very reliable in deciding a winner, so the Development team's opinion should be the only one that matters.
Although, that isn't the only problem. You're also restricting players by establishing a low-level range for songs that are meant to be high-level. This impedes creativity and also makes contests not worth participating.
Want an S14 for Hestia? Just do it yourself, seriously. You guys are veterans at this, you should be able to make a proper chart for the intermediate player in just a matter of minutes. I know not *everyone* is a seasoned Pump player, but if you're making an UCS contest, make it so we can be creative about it. Make UCS contests for... I don't know, new songs in a similar fashion to Move That Body Full Song. Make them a level range that the song would deserve, don't force us to understep (or overstep, like in Till the end of time), and if you can't do that, just make them Free Level.
Real Stepmakers are supposed to represent a song's rhythms and beats as arrows in the game, as best as they can. Patterning varies from person to person, but the goal is the same. You should respect that and act accordingly.