PIU 2015 PRIME 1.13.0 Update Information

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Writer PRIME! The date of Writing16-01-28 15:08 Hits12,474times Comment5cases



★ How to update ★

1. Prepare recognizable USB for the machine.

2. Please download PRIME v1.13.0 update patch file, and then save it on the root of your USB.

Link #1

Link #2

3. Lastly, insert USB into the machine of PRIME, then press “Test” button located in the service box of machine and go to "SETUP / USB DRIVE" menu and select "SYSTEM UPDATE"The update will be processed and rebooted automatically.
* If the machine is connected with internet, update file will be downloaded automatically and the update will be processed when the machine is rebooted. (Downloading depends on Internet speed)

★ Update notice ★

1. For updates, we highly recommend using official PIU USB. (Some USBs might be incompatible).

2. It is not able to update the latest version without installing previous versions.

* You are required to update as following order and we attached these previous

( 1.01.0 patch -> 1.01.1 patch ->; 1.02.0 patch ->; 1.03.0 patch -> 1.04.0 patch -> 1.05.0 patch -> 1.06.0 patch -> 1.07.0 patch ->
1.08.0 patch -> 1.09.0 patch -> 1.10.0 patch -> 1.11.0 patch -> 1.13.0 patch -> 1.13.0 patch)

3. You must put the update file on USB root. (Do not put it in any other folders)


★ Update list ★

1. New Songs

1) Song : Creed -1st Desire -

Artist : TatshMusicCircle
BPM : 163
Default step chart : S04, S07, S12, D11, DP05
Unlock step chart : S??, S??, D??, D??

2) Song : Point Zero One
Artist : SynthWulf
BPM : 170
Default step chart : S09, S16, D11, D17
Unlock step chart : S??, D??

3) Song : Elysium
Artist : Warak
BPM : 128
Default step chart : S04, S08, S15, D10, D16

4) Song : (Full song) Creed -1st Desire-
Artist : TatshMusicCircle
BPM : 163
Default step chart : S18, S23, D19, D24

2. New unlock step charts

1) Song : Avalanche- Memme Step
chart : S22 - released!

2) Song : Ragnarok - SynthWulf
Step chart : S20 - released!

3. Quest zone Quest “Chapter13” is updated.

1) Song : All I Want For Christmas
Step chart : S06, S11, D07, D18

2) Song : Caprice of Otada
Step chart : S06, S08, S17, S19

3) Song : Unique
Step chart : D12, D16, D19, D20

4) Song : Chimera
Step chart : S11, S16, S18, S23

5) Song : Blazing
Step chart : S09, S15, D19, D23

4. Unlocked Step charts

1) Song : Reminiscence
Step chart : S17, D18 - released!

2) Song : Hyacinth
Step chart : S18, D19 - released!

3) Song : Imprinting
Step chart : S17 - released!

5. New features
Arcade location name is now indicated in game result screen 6. Minor bugs fixed.

Thank you.

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Jvict님의 댓글

Jvict 작성일

More touhou xD

SusanY님의 댓글

SusanY 작성일

꺅 업데이트!!!! 드디어!!