PIU 2015 PRIME 1.17.0 Update Information

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Writer PRIME! The date of Writing16-05-26 17:31 Hits12,510times Comment5cases



PIU 2015 PRIME 1.17.0 Update Information

We announce the update of PIU 2015 PRIME 1.17.0 Enjoy new contents!

★ How to update ★
1. Prepare recognizable USB for the machine.
2. Please download PRIME v1.17.0 update patch file, and then save it on the root of your

Link : 1.17.0 Patch

3. Lastly, insert USB into the machine of PRIME, then press “Test” button located in the service box of machine and go to "SETUP / USB

DRIVE" menu and select "SYSTEM UPDATE"The update will be processed and rebooted automatically.
* If the machine is connected with internet, update file will be downloaded automatically and the update will be processed when the machine is

rebooted. (Downloading depends on Internet speed)

★ Update notice ★

1. For updates, you can use normal USB you have(Some USBs might be incompatible).
2. It is not able to update the latest version without installing previous versions.
* You are required to update as following order and we attached these previous patch files for your convenience.

( 1.01.0 patch -> 1.01.1 patch -> 1.02.0 patch -> 1.03.0 patch -> 1.04.0 patch -> 1.05.0 patch -> 1.06.0 patch ->
1.07.0 patch -> 1.08.0 patch -> 1.09.0 patch -> 1.10.0 patch -> 1.11.0 patch -> 1.11.1 patch -> 1.12.0 patch ->
1.13.0 patch -> 1.14.0 patch -> 1.15.0 patch -> 1.16.0 patch -> 1.17.0 patch)

3. You must put the update file on USB root. (Do not put it in any other folders)

★ Update list ★


1. New Songs
1) Song : Amphitryon
Artist : Gentle Stick
BPM : 155
Default step chart : S06, S11, D12
Unlock step chart : S??, D??

2) Song : Blaze emotion (Band version)
Artist : Yahpp
BPM : 170
Default step chart : S02, S08, S17, D04, D18

2. New step charts
1) Song : Bad Apple!! feat. Nomico
Artist : Masayoshi Minoshima
BPM : 138
Step chart : S03

2) Song : Setsuna Trip
Artist : Last Note.
BPM : 145
Step chart : S03

3) Song : Trashy Innocence
Artist : Last Note.
BPM : 230
Step chart : S03

4) Song : Bad ∞ End ∞ Night
Artist : HitoshizukuP X yama△
BPM : 204
Step chart : S04

5) Song : Till the end of time
Artist : BanYa
BPM : 140
Step chart : S13(UCS), S17(UCS), D08(UCS), D13(UCS), D16(UCS)

6) Song : Chicken Wing
Artist : BanYa
BPM : 200
Step chart : S21(UCS), S22(UCS), D23(UCS)

7) Song : Robot Battle
Artist : CYO Style
BPM : 198
Step chart : S18(UCS), D19(UCS)

3. Unlocked Step charts
1) Song : Renai Yuusha
Step chart : S19 , D20 - released!

2) Song : Enhance Reality
Step chart : S19 , D20 - released!

4. Quest zone
1) Song : Destination
Step chart : S11, S16, D13, D18

2) Song : Phantom
Step chart : S12, S17, S18, S19

3) Song : Selfishness
Step chart : S11, S17, D18, D21

4) Song : Love is a danger zone pt.2
Step chart : S07, S15, D17, D21

5) Song : Tribe Attacker
Step chart : S16, D10, D15, D22

5. New Features
All locked step charts are unlocked in EVENT mode and will be available until 1.18.0 update

Comments index

INTI7님의 댓글

INTI7 작성일

오오 좋구나, WPF 행사가 개최되기 전까지 오프라인 유저들이 USB 없이 이벤트 모드로 해금스텝을 마음껏 연습 가능할 수 있으니
이것이 해외에서 오프라인 기계를 돌리는 오락실의 유저들에게 많은 도움이 되겠군요

bright_darkness님의 댓글

bright_darkness 작성일

오 트라이브 어택커 D22라니 정말 궁금하군요
D15 할거없을때마다 가끔씩 하는데 ㅋㅋㅋ
해금할 실력은 안돼지만 꼭 해보고싶군요!!

ZznagGe님의 댓글

ZznagGe 작성일

굳굳~! 언제나 노력하십니다

CHQHWK4님의 댓글


안다미로 미친것들이 자동해금은 19이하까지만 한다고하지않앗냐 20짜리도 이젠 그냥 풀어버리네 ㅡㅡ

sahu29님의 댓글

sahu29 댓글의 댓글 작성일

ㅋㅋㅋ 그러게요