PIU 2015 PRIME 1.18.0 Update Information

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Writer PRIME! The date of Writing16-06-30 14:37 Hits12,950times Comment7cases



Hello everyone.
We announce the update of PIU 2015 PRIME 1.18.0
Enjoy new contents!

We found some problem on 1.17.0 update and it causes to 1.18.0 update to not available update by online.
In order to update 1.18.0, download 1.17.1 update file to USB from official website and manually update it first.
If 1.17.1 update is successfully done, 1.18.0 update by online is available.

★ How to update ★

1. Prepare recognizable USB for the machine.

2. Please download PRIME v1.18.0 update patch file, and then save it on the root of your USB.

Link : 1.17.1 patch

Link : 1.18.0 patch

3. Lastly, insert USB into the machine of PRIME, then press “Test” button located in the service box of machine and go to "SETUP / USB DRIVE" menu and select "SYSTEM UPDATE"The update will be processed and rebooted automatically.

* If the machine is connected with internet, update file will be downloaded automatically and the update will be processed when the machine is rebooted. (Downloading depends on Internet speed)

★ Update notice ★

1. For updates, you can use normal USB you have(Some USBs might be incompatible).

2. It is not able to update the latest version without installing previous versions.

* You are required to update as following order and we attached these previous patch files for your convenience.

( 1.01.0 patch -> 1.01.1 patch -> 1.02.0 patch -> 1.03.0 patch -> 1.04.0 patch ->1.05.0 patch ->
1.06.0 patch -> 1.07.0 patch -> 1.08.0 patch -> 1.09.0 patch -> 1.10.0 patch ->
1.11.0 patch -> 1.11.1 patch -> 1.12.0 patch -> 1.13.0 patch -> 1.14.0 patch ->
1.15.0 patch -> 1.16.0 patch -> 1.17.0 patch -> 1.17.1 patch -> 1.18.0 patch)

3. You must put the update file on USB root. (Do not put it in any other folders)

★ Update list ★


1. New Songs
1) Song : Removable Disk0
Artist : Doin
BPM : 130
Default step chart : S03, S06, S15, D05, D16

2) Song : Sora no shirabe
Artist : TatshMusicCircle
BPM : 172
Default step chart : S03, S08, S12, S15, D11, D16
Unlock step chart : S??, D??

3) Song : PARADOXX
Artist : SLAM & NATO
BPM : 220
Default step chart : S21
Unlock step chart : S??, S??

2. Quest zone
1) Song : Final Audition
Step chart : S09, S15, S17, S18
2) Song : Take me back
Step chart : S07, S09, S17, S18

3) Song : Monolith
Step chart : S05, S09, S16, S20

4) Song : Rock the house
Step chart : S07, S10, S17, S21

5) Song : Rock hill
Step chart : S11, S16, D18, D23

3. Unlocked Step charts

1) Song : Red Snow

Step chart : S19

Thank you.

Comments index



Nice!!!Also expecting for song unlock  column.

Spiara님의 댓글

Spiara 작성일

드디어 업데이트 되었군요 ' ^ '

Terien님의 댓글

Terien 작성일

도인님 노래제목이
이동식디스크0이라고 읽는게 더 자연스럽지 않나요?
그나저나 난이도를 보아하니 도인님 역대 곡들중 가장 무난하네요..



希望可以多加点full song

freedsky님의 댓글

freedsky 작성일

1.17.1 patch -> 1.18.0 patch) 这是什么鬼 这次有两个更新包吗?

memepetrikov69님의 댓글

memepetrikov69 작성일

Por que me aparece que no hay archivo para instalar el patch 1.7.1 si está guardado en la usb le doy update y me dice que no

kikezero님의 댓글

kikezero 작성일

dejala conectada y despues te metes a dar update, aveces no la detecta.